Advanced Ambianic Edge Configuration

Some of the most common Ambianic configuration options are available in the UI for convenience. However there are advanced config settings that require sysadmin skills and deeper understanding of the product design. This document covers advanced Ambianic Edge configuration via its on-device config.yaml file.

Design Overview

Ambianic Edge executes pipelines with input sources, AI inference models and output targets. Ambianic UI visualizes observations in a chronological timeline.

Pipelines are configured in a config.yaml file which resides in the runtime directory of the Ambianic Edge docker image.

The following diagram illustrates an example pipeline that takes as input a video stream URI source such as a surveillance camera and outputs object detections to a local directory.

st=>start: Video Source op_obj=>operation: Object Detection AI op_sav1=>parallel: Storage Element io1=>inputoutput: save object detections to file op_face=>operation: Face Detection AI op_sav2=>parallel: Storage Element io2=>inputoutput: save face detections to file e=>end: Output to other pipelines st->op_obj op_obj(bottom)->op_sav1 op_sav1(path1, bottom)->op_face op_sav1(path2, right)->io1 op_face(bottom)->op_sav2 op_sav2(path1, bottom)->e op_sav2(path2, right)->io2

Pipeline Configuration

Create a config.yaml file in the workspace directory of the Ambianic Edge docker image. For example, the directory could be named /opt/ambianid-edge.workspace.

You can use this starting config.yaml template and modify it to fit your environment. Read further about the parameters and format of the config file.

Let's take an example config.yaml file and walk through it:

#  Ambianic main configuration file  #
version: '2020.12.11'

# path to the data directory
# ./data is relative to the container runtime. Do not change it if you are unsure.
data_dir: ./data

# Set logging level to one of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR
  file: ./data/ambianic-log.txt
  level: INFO

Notifications provider configuration
# see for syntax examples
    include_attachments: true
      - mailto://
      - hassios://{host}/{access_token}
      - mailto://
      - json://hostname/a/path/to/post/to

# Pipeline event timeline configuration
  event_log: ./data/timeline-event-log.yaml

# Cameras and other input data sources

  # direct support for raspberry picamera
    uri: picamera
    type: video
    live: true

    uri: <your camera>
    type: video
    live: true

  # local video device integration example
    uri: /dev/video0
    type: video
    live: true

  # recorded front door cam feed for quick testing
    uri: file:///workspace/tests/pipeline/avsource/test2-cam-person1.mkv
    type: video

      tflite: /opt/ambianic-edge/ai_models/mobilenet_ssd_v2_coco_quant_postprocess.tflite
      edgetpu: /opt/ambianic-edge/ai_models/mobilenet_ssd_v2_coco_quant_postprocess_edgetpu.tflite
    labels: /opt/ambianic-edge/ai_models/coco_labels.txt
      tflite: /opt/ambianic-edge/ai_models/mobilenet_ssd_v2_face_quant_postprocess.tflite
      edgetpu: /opt/ambianic-edge/ai_models/mobilenet_ssd_v2_face_quant_postprocess_edgetpu.tflite
    labels: /opt/ambianic-edge/ai_models/coco_labels.txt
    top_k: 2
      tflite: /opt/ambianic-edge/ai_models/posenet_mobilenet_v1_100_257x257_multi_kpt_stripped.tflite
      edgetpu: /opt/ambianic-edge/ai_models/posenet_mobilenet_v1_075_721_1281_quant_decoder_edgetpu.tflite
    labels: /opt/ambianic-edge/ai_models/pose_labels.txt

# A named pipeline defines an ordered sequence of operations
# such as reading from a data source, AI model inference, saving samples and others.
   # Pipeline names could be descriptive, e.g. front_door_watch or entry_room_watch.
     - source: picamera
     - detect_objects: # run ai inference on the input data
        ai_model: image_detection
        confidence_threshold: 0.6
        # Watch for any of the labels listed below. The labels must be from the model trained label set.
        # If no labels are listed, then watch for all model trained labels.
          - person
          - car
     - save_detections: # save samples from the inference results
        positive_interval: 300 # how often (in seconds) to save samples with ANY results above the confidence threshold
        idle_interval: 6000 # how often (in seconds) to save samples with NO results above the confidence threshold
     - detect_falls: # look for falls
        ai_model: fall_detection
        confidence_threshold: 0.6
     - save_detections: # save samples from the inference results
        positive_interval: 10
        idle_interval: 600000
        notify: # notify a thirdy party service
            - alert_fall        

The only parameter you have to change in order to see a populated timeline in the UI is the source uri. In the section below:

    uri: <your camera>

Replace <your camera> with your camera still image snapshot URI (recommended). For example:

    type: image
    live: true

Or you can alternatively plug-in the camera video streaming RTSP URI. For example:

    uri: rtsp://admin:password@ 
    type: video
    live: true

Only use RTSP if you run high end hardware and use AI inference in your pipelines that needs video and/or audio data instead of still images.

Make sure that the HTTP URI points to a valid image. You can test by simply putting the URI in your web browser. You should see a current snapshot of live camera capture.

If you choose to use an RTSP URI, then you can test that with a tool like VLC.

The parameter live: true indicates that this is a continuous stream without a predetermined end. Therefore Ambianic Edge should do whatever it can to continuously pull media and recover from interruptions caused by network or other glitches.

Now save the file and restart the docker image. Within a few moments you should be able to see a populated timeline in the UI with fresh images from your camera and some object, people and face detections if there are any to detect.

You can reference the Quick Start Guide for instructions on starting and stopping the Ambianic Edge docker image.

Camera Configuration

Cameras are some of the most common sources of input data for pipelines. is typically connected to IP Network cameras, but you can also connect a local embedded web cam or USB connected camera.

You can set uri to a local path such as /dev/video0 to use a working usb webcam or picamera in case you have a picamera connected to Raspbery Pi connector.

Connecting a local Web USB camera

A laptop camera or USB camera on linux or mac can be used just providing a working reference to the video device, eg. /dev/video0

Connecting a Picamera

To use a Picamera connected to the camera connector on the Raspberry Pi (usually available in the middle of the board)

Ensure also your setup have the camera enabled and provides enough GPU memory for processing frames. The following script will take care of it for you:

# Enable camera
sudo raspi-config nonint do_camera 1

# Allocate GPU to camera:
if ! grep -Fq "gpu_mem=" /boot/config.txt; then
  echo "gpu_mem=256" | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt

In a tipical setup your /boot/config.txt should contain something like this at the end


Then update your configuration to point to the right source

    uri: picamera
    type: video
    live: true

Connecting over HTTP or RTSP

Another option is to stream your local camera over HTTP or RTSP. VLC is one of the most popular and easy to use apps for that. Here is how you can turn your local webcam into an IP streaming camera. The streaming URL shared by VLC is the input source URI for the configuration file.

How to find the URI for your camera

If you don't have experience configuring surveillance cameras, it can be tricky to find the URI. We are working on a camera Plug-and-Play feature in Ambianic to make it easier to discover and connect to your cameras. Keep an eye for release news.

In the meanwhile, you have several options:

First, check your camera manufacturer's documentation whether it supports still image URL over HTTP or video streaming over RTSP. Most IP cameras do, but not all. If your camera is ONVIF standard conformant, then you will have access to HTTP camera images and RTSP video stream. You can use the ONVIF Search Tool to check if your camera is listed as conformant.

You can then use a tool such as ONVIF Device Manager to auto discover your IP camera and show you its RTSP and HTTP URI. Here is a quick How-To. A more detailed post on this tool is also available here.

Your camera manufacturer will likely have an online resource describing how to determine its RTSP address. It would look something like this one.

There is also an online directory where you can search for the RTSP URI of many camera brands.

Using still image source instead of a video stream for your camera URI

In many cases processing 1 frame per second is sufficient frequency to detect interesting events in your environment. It is usually more CPU and network resource efficient to use a still image source instead of live RTSP stream for 1fps. This approach allows Edge to pull from the camera another image snapshot when it is ready as opposed to streaming which pushes constantly media updates that Edge may or may not be ready to process.

All you have to do to use a still image source from your camera is to locate the specific image URI as described above and plug it in the corresponding source section of the config.yaml file. Here is what it would look like:

    type: image
    live: true

In the example above the URI points to a still jpg sample from the camera. Ambianic Edge will continuously poll this URI approximately once per second (1fps).

Sensitive config information

Since camera URIs often contain credentials, we recommend that you store such values in secrets.yaml. Ambianic Edge will automatically look for and if available prepend secrets.yaml to config.yaml. That way you can share config.yaml with others without compromising privacy sensitive parameters.

You can use standard YAML anchors and aliases in config.yaml to reference YAML variables defined in secrets.yaml. They will resolve after the files are merged into one.

An example valid entry in secrets.yaml for a camera URI, would look like this:

secret_uri_front_door_camera: &secret_uri_front_door_camera 'rtsp://user:pass@'
# add more secret entries as regular yaml mappings

It can be then referenced in config.yaml as follows:

    uri: *secret_uri_front_door_camera

Notification settings

Ambianic edge can be configured to instantly alerts users when a detection occurs. Notifications are a feature of the save_detections element. Every time a timeline event is saved along with its contextual data, a notification can be fired to a number of supported channels such as email, sms, or a local smart home hub such as Home Assistant (hassios://{host}/{access_token}).

Notification providers are first configured at a system level using the following syntax:

    include_attachments: true
      - mailto://
      - hassios://{host}/{access_token}
      - mailto://
      - json://hostname/a/path/to/post/to

Notice that the catch_all_email provider template uses the include_attachments attribute. Email notifications to this provider will include timeline event attachments such as captured images. On the other hand the alert_fall does not use the include_attachments attribute. Notifications sent through this provider will include the essential event information, but no attachments. In order to include attachments via alert_fall , just add the include_attachments: true element.

For a full list of supported providers and config syntax, take a look at the official apprise documentation. Apprise is a great notifications library that ambianic edge uses and sponsors.

Once the system level notification providers are configured, they can be referenced within save_detection elements as in the following example:

   # Pipeline names could be descriptive, e.g. front_door_watch or entry_room_watch.
     - detect_falls: # look for falls
     - save_detections: # save samples from the inference results
        positive_interval: 10
        idle_interval: 600000
        notify: # notify a thirdy party service
            - alert_fall        

Each time a detection event is saved, a corresponding notification will be instantly fired.

Other configuration settings

The rest of the configuration settings are for advanced developers. If you feel ready to dive into log files and code, you can experiement with different AI models and pipeline elements. Otherwise leave them as they are.

Using AI Accelerator

Ambianic Edge will use the Google Coral TPU accelerator if one is available on the system.

Note: The default docker compose configuration for Ambianic Edge checks whether a USB attached Coral is running on /dev/bus/usb. You may need to adjust that if the TPU is attached to a different file system directory.

Coral is a powerful TPU that can speed up inference 5-10 times. However AI inference is only part of all the functions that execute in an Ambianic Edge pipeline. Video decoding and formatting also takes substantial amount of processing time. Overall we've seen Coral to improve performance 30-50% on a realistic Raspberry Pi 4 deployment with multiple simultaneous pipelines pulling images from multiple cameras and processing these images with multiple inference models.

If you don't have a Coral device available, no need to worry for now. Raspberry Pi 4 is quite powerful. It comfortably handles 3 simultaneous HD camera sourced pipelines with approximately 1-2 frames per second (fps). An objects or person of interest would normally show up in one of your cameras for at least one second, which is enough time to be registered and processed by Ambianic Edge on a plain RPI4.

Configuration Questions

If you are having difficulties with configuration settings, feel free to ask your question in the community discussion forum or our public slack channel.